January Recap 2019 | a finished draft, all the edits, and a new short story!

I can’t believe I’m already sitting at my laptop to summarise how January has gone over here in Author Land and deep inside the Editing Cave. Time flies faster since I went self-employed, and I’m not gonna lie, it’s freaking me out a little. How can the first month of 2019 be over? Someone’s been messing with the space-time continuum again o.o

Blood Wisp

I’ve finished the first draft of BLOOD VOW, so the whole trilogy is now hibernating while I get on with other WIPs.

I loved writing Michiko’s story, but I’m also happy to be returning to my other projects. I’ve given myself a lot to do this year, so there’s no time to waste.

For now, I’m happy to let this trilogy rest. I might put it through first edits for Camp NaNo this April, but I might also let it proof a little longer. All my other WIPs are in the editing stages, so this might be too much editing.

Rise of the Sparrows

My rewrites are going a little slower than I hoped, but they are going. I’ve learned two things from this… let’s be honest and call it an ordeal:

You canNOT skip professional developmental and line edits on your debut novel. Stupid idea. Don’t even think about it.

I’ll never ever write the first book of any series again without having the whole series planned first. There are several moments in Book 3 that have to go a certain way because that’s how I set them up in Book 1–long before I considered anything that might happen in later books. It’s especially annoying because my little plotster heart should have jumped at the chance to plan the whole trilogy first, but oh well.

Live and learn, eh? Learn from my mistakes, if any fellow writers are reading this.

But I was talking about rewrites, wasn’t I? They are going well and I’m confident that I’ll get it back to my editor next month. An April re-release is still on the table, Sparrows.

Bubak | Short Story Freebie

On Saturday, I made a new short story freebie available to my mailing list subscribers. It’s been a long time coming because, even though it’s only short (4.5k), finding the time to edit it amongst all those other goals has been difficult.

If you like stories about lost souls, jumper-knitting demons that abduct people, and cats, then Bubak might just be the right chilling winter read for you.

You can now download it for free when you sign up to my mailing list.

And that’s my January wrapped up! How did the first month of 2019 treat you? Make a tea and tell me about your achievements.

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Sarina Langer