Explore your next favourite Epic Fantasy...

new worlds full of magic in every series

Relics of Ar'Zac

In this trilogy, you'll find:
  • 'The Chosen One' trope  
  • prophecy
  • a fight for freedom & equality  
  • found family  
  • several slow-burn romances, two mlm (all fade-to-black, on the few occasions when it matters) 
  • sword & sorcery 
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Darkened Light

In this duology, you'll find:
  • fade-to-black slow-burn mlm romance 
  • magic 
  • gods and goddesses 
  • a good-vs-evil battle in the afterlife 
  • necromancy 
  • elves 
  • short chapters 
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Blood Wisp

In this trilogy, you'll find:
  • a world’s first vampire 
  • fade-to-black slow-burn wlw romance 
  • the Shadow as a real demon 
  • a very reluctant hero 
  • so many emotional scars 
  • magic 
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What's Next?

(Hopefully) coming in 2026

Book 1 of a new epic fantasy (planned) 5-book series


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